Small Motorized Wheel Loader 29/02/2016 08/02/2024 A small Motorized Wheel loader, featured drives, steering, light, lifted and tilted fork….
Mechanical Calculator 20/02/2016 08/02/2024 A mechanical calculator, which is capable to add and substrat, featured carry mechanism, keyboard, overflow mechanism and openable part for set up….
Christmas Santa Sleigh 21/12/2015 08/02/2024 A motorized Christmas Santa Sleigh to wish you Merry Christmas !…
GBC Tipper Trolley 28/09/2015 08/02/2024 My last module developed for Diemoz 2015 exhibition. Features a motorized tipper trolley with automatic end inverter….
GBC Spiral Ball Lift 31/07/2015 08/02/2024 A module of great ball contraption using scotck yoke system to up the balls and a spiral slide end….
GBC Speedometer 21/07/2015 08/02/2024 A simple GBC (Great Ball Contraption) module to know the speed of a line of GBB….
Lego Vertical Ball Clock 15/02/2015 08/02/2024 A Lego Vertical Ball Clock, featured hours and minutes, powered by a motor and regulate by balls….
Congreve Clock 14/08/2014 08/02/2024 A congreve clock with hour, minute and second hands, powered by a lego windup motor, featured a ring bell and a oscillating path….
Yes / No Kinetic Sculpture 12/03/2014 08/02/2024 A fancy mechanical Kinetic sculpture inspired by an illusion wood sculpture….
Braiding Machine 10/01/2014 19/03/2024 A lego braiding machine, powered by a single motor, which makes ropes and wristband….
SteamPunk Pneumatic clock 03/11/2013 08/02/2024 A 3 hand clock, powered by a pneumatic engine with a Steampunk design. Include building instructions….