• EN: No (physical) LEGO bricks included, only PDF (downloadable) instructions for the shown products.
  • FR : Aucune brique LEGO (physique) incluse, uniquement des instructions PDF (téléchargeables) pour les produits présentés.
  • DE : Keine (physischen) LEGO-Steine ​​enthalten, nur PDF-Anleitungen (herunterladbar) für die gezeigten Produkte.
  • NL : Geen (fysieke) LEGO stenen meegeleverd, alleen PDF (downloadbare) instructies voor de getoonde producten.
  • DK : Ingen (fysiske) LEGO klodser inkluderet, kun PDF (kan downloades) instruktioner til de viste produkter.
  • IT : Nessun mattoncino LEGO (fisico) incluso, solo istruzioni PDF (scaricabili) per i prodotti mostrati.
  • ES : No se incluyen ladrillos LEGO (físicos), solo instrucciones en PDF (descargables) para los productos mostrados.
  • PL : Zestaw nie zawiera (fizycznych) klocków LEGO, jedynie instrukcje w formacie PDF (do pobrania) dla pokazanych produktów.
  • HU : Nem tartalmaz (fizikai) LEGO kockákat, csak PDF (letölthető) utasításokat a bemutatott termékekhez.
  • RU : В комплект не входят (физические) кубики LEGO, только инструкции в формате PDF (доступные для скачивания) для показанных продуктов.
  • CN : 不包含(物理)乐高积木,仅显示产品的 PDF(可下载)说明

1.0 Introduction

These terms and conditions set out the terms and conditions between you, the customer, and (“us”, “we”), governing the use of our website and our downloadable digital building instructions including the content therein (the “products”) for instance. Your use of our website, and purchase, download and use of our products, constitutes your full acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, you should not use our website or purchase, download or use any of our products.

2.0 License and Use

Your purchase of one of our products constitutes our granting to you of a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license to download and access that product for the purpose of your own personal use. You agree that under no circumstances shall you use, or permit to be used, any product other than for the aforesaid purpose. For the avoidance of doubt, you shall not copy, re-sell, sublicense, rent out, share or otherwise distribute any of our products, whether modified or not, to any third party. You are authorized to print it, on the only condition you respect the previous conditions. You agree not to use any of our products in a way which might be detrimental to us or damage our reputation.

3.0 Intellectual Property

The products, whether modified or not, and all intellectual property and copyright contained therein, are and shall at all times remain our sole and exclusive property. You agree that under no circumstances, whether the product has been modified or not, shall you have or attempt to claim ownership of any intellectual property rights or copyright in the product.

4.0 Refunds and Chargebacks

Once a product has been purchased by you, no right of cancellation or refund exists under the French Consumer Protection article L°221-28 (Distance Selling) due to the electronic nature of our products. Any refunds shall be at our sole and absolute discretion. You agree that under no circumstances whatsoever shall you initiate any chargebacks via your payment provider. You agree that any payments made by you for any of our products are final and may not be charged back. You can nonetheless contact us via the contact form if you have trouble with the product.

5.0 Warranties and Liability

We make every effort to ensure that our products are accurate and fit for the use of our customers. However, we take no responsibility whatsoever for the suitability of the product, and we provide no warranties as to the function or use of the product, whether express, implied or statutory, including without limitation any warranties of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose. Furthermore, we shall not be liable to you or any party for consequential, indirect, special or exemplary damages whether arising under tort, contract, negligence or inappropriate use of the product.

6.0 General

These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement and understanding between you and us for the supply of downloadable digital products, and shall supersede any prior agreements whether made in writing, orally, implied or otherwise. The failure by us to exercise or enforce any right(s) under these terms and conditions shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any such right(s) or operate so as to bar the exercise or enforcement thereof at any time(s) thereafter, as a waiver of another or constitute a continuing waiver. You agree that monetary damages may not be a sufficient remedy for the damage which may accrue to us by reason of your breach of these terms and conditions, therefore we shall be entitled to seek injunctive relief to enforce the obligations contained herein. The unenforceability of any single provision within these terms and conditions shall not affect any other provision hereof. These terms and conditions, your acceptance thereof, and our relationship with you shall be governed by and construed in accordance with French law and both us and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts over any claim, dispute or matter arising under or in connection with these terms and conditions or our relationship with you.

7.0 Contacting us

Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any matter relating to this Downloadable Digital Products Terms and Conditions of Sale Policy via :

email contact