Trial Jeep

Trial Jeep features 4-wheel drive with fake V6 engine, ackerman steering, 5-link suspensions, opened bonnet and trunk and detailed interior.

Direct purchase of the instructions

Trial Jeep
10,00  -Excl. Tax
A motorized LEGO Technic Trial Jeep, features 4-wheel drive with fake V6 engine, ackerman steering, 5-link suspensions, opened bonnet and trunk and detailed interior.

Preview of the instructions at the end of the article. Presentation Video (YouTube).

This jeep was built on a new concept for me. First the axles are not pendular but with a 5-link and shock-absorbers. The layout of the links of the suspensions is mainly inspired by Jovel’s work. Secondly, I completely re-built the axles to include two options of building : with or without differential. I was boring by the Trial Truck which did not turn because of the lack of differentials so I would like to test it. To finish, the design is based on my previous jeep but with the new panels and at a bigger scale. I have seen that jeep body is more appreciated than classic truck body.


The interior is detailed, for instance with a complete dashboard, seats, V6 engine placed under the bonnet and rear benches. I also include a fire extinguisher, tubular protections, antenna… In fact it is the most detailed trial truck I have done.


Concerning the climbing abilities : they are unexpected and very good. I thought that the differential will always slipped. In fact the suspensions are very good, which enable the wheels to be flattened on the ground. The slipping of the differential is consequently limited. The main advantage is the turning radius, as you can see on the video, it is very small, what enables the truck to have good turning abilities (also thanks to the ackerman steering). The gear reduction is 12/20 20/28 and 8/24 on portal axles. On the video, the battery box is a little bit tired.

Building Instructions

I have made pro building instructions using MLcad and Lpub, in fact this was my first lego instructions. As usual, you can buy it for 10€ and then download the instruction immediately.

Here is the complete bill of material in picture file :

But you can also checked it on rebrickable (or make any export you want)

Want to check before if you can build this moc ? The Trial Jeep has been indexed to, the webiste which matchs your parts with mocs ! (the first moc indexed to rebrickable !!)

You can buy the instructions with the following button for 10€. You can also buy other building instructions and get an automated discount. You will get 15% off for 2 PDF, and 20% off for 3 PDF on the total), available for all the instructions for sale on

See it on the shop :

Trial Jeep
10,00  -Excl. Tax
A motorized LEGO Technic Trial Jeep, features 4-wheel drive with fake V6 engine, ackerman steering, 5-link suspensions, opened bonnet and trunk and detailed interior.

After your payment, you will be redirected to a page for downloading your instructions, and will receive also the link to download by email. Please check the spam box and be patient to receive it. If you have trouble to download your copy of the PDF after payment or open the document, do not make a paypal dispute, please contact me using the contact form. The link to download the instructions expires within 24h. Contact me if you have lost your instructions. Note that you can print it, but not copy or distribute. Thank you for supporting my work 🙂

Here is some preview of the building instructions :



Want to slown down the steering or remove the differentials ? Here is some pictures to help you to modify the jeep :

If you find that the camber angle is too important in downhill, you can modify the portal hub with these instructions :

Designed in 2011

(62) Comments

    Bonjour Nico. J’ai terminé la jeep, gros travail pas si facile, mais très prenant. Un couple fantastique, à tel point que j’en ai cassé un cardan. Pas grave, ils ont ça en stock chez lego.
    Merci beaucoup pour tes créations.
    Je suis également tes projet sur techlug.

    I am building this with your pneumatic engine I have to add an air compressor and I am going to make it remote control does this sound look a good idea to you?

    Tu pourrais mais il faudrait laisser allumer une battery box quelque part pour que lorsque tu utilises la fonction marche arrêt il se passe quelque chose donc ça ne résout pas le problème vu qu’il reste une battery Box allumé 🙂

    Bonjour Nico,
    Je vais démarrer l’assemblage avec mon fils (10 ans) – en fait, lui va le construire, moi je ais juste chercher les pièces. ;( – j’aurais voulu savoir s’il était possible de mettre une deuxième voie sur la télécommande pour faire marche /arrêt sans toucher au boîtier, ou pour quelle raison tu ne l’as pas fait ‘


    Ps : juin grand merci pour tes relations, c’est une motivation pour continuer à jouer, et utiliser ce qu’on a déjà !

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