New Instructions for the digicomp ! 03/08/2017 08/02/2024 A small post to inform you that the digicomp has now its pro-rendered Building Instructions !…
Orthogonal Planimeter 03/02/2013 08/02/2024 A mechanical device used for calculating area on an arbitrary shape….
Pritz Hatchet Planimeter 19/01/2013 08/02/2024 My first planimeter, very simple and very demonstrative to understand how a mechanical device can calculate area….
Lego computer : Digicomp 24/08/2012 19/03/2024 The digicomp was a mechanical computer sold as a plastic toy in 1963. Capable to count, multiply, divide, depending of how it is programmed….
Integraph : Graphic Planimeter 17/02/2011 08/02/2024 An Integraph is an instrument used in mathematics for plotting the integral of a graphically defined function….