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IMPORTANT : EN: No (physical) LEGO bricks included, only PDF (downloadable) instructions for the shown products. FR : Aucune brique LEGO (physique) incluse, uniquement des instructions PDF (téléchargeables) pour les produits présentés. DE : Keine (physischen) LEGO-Steine ​​enthalten, nur PDF-Anleitungen (herunterladbar) für die gezeigten Produkte. NL : Geen (fysieke) LEGO stenen meegeleverd, alleen...

Western Star 6900 TwinSteer

A Western Star 6900 Twinsteer made in Lego Technic. Remote controlled using Control+ and PoweredUp App for the drive, steering and winch. Tandem bogies suspensions with oscillating arm, removable hood with fake working engine, and openable doors complete the model, as well as a mud pump as the load. With Building instructions….